...and have-not will be no more!
from the CP:
"I am pleased to report that for the first time in our history the province is budgeting a surplus on a fully consolidated basis," Newfoundland Finance Minister Loyola Sullivan said in his budget speech. "I think we have turned the corner," said Mr. Sullivan. "We have enormous potential."
Brian Peckford's vision has finally seen the light of day!
Not without a little acrimony from Ontarians and others complaining how they must contribute to Equalization. I remember when I first moved to Calgary in 1996. It was the first time I had experienced first hand the resentment held by "mainlanders" towards the poor cousins on da Rock. As a friend of mine, Grinder, would say in retort, "...how would you feel if you were told that there was no more oil, or that you couldn't farm anymore." Well that is what had happened to the fishery in Newfoundland; the economic lifeblood let go from a rotten and abused jugular through mismanagement & greed. Were Newfoundlanders innocent bystanders in the cod's demise? No, but for the most part they were victims of overfishing (foreign & domestic), DFO's mismanagement and misdirected government subsidy programs whihc supported a fleet, inshore & offshore, that was too large for the resource.
Why must Ontario always lead the way by default? If Newfoundland's oil industry continues to prosper and the rural areas swallow the bitter medicine of rationalization to improve their economic situation, in the nmor too distant future Newfoundland could surge to the front of the pack with Alberta & BC. At that point the equalization tables may be turned, given Ontario's withering auto sector, and the largesse may in fact flow uphill!!!!!
Kudos to Danny Williams Government. Keep your shoulder to the wheel b'ys!
It's worth noting that Alberta received equalization payments until the 60's when they starting producing oil. They weren't complaining when they were on the receiving end.
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