bishop's falls to buchans

Friday, November 12, 2004

Remembrance Day

I wanted to go to the local Remembrance Day ceremony in Red Deer but I foolishly assumed it would be downtown at the Cenotaph (from Greek kenotaphion, from kenos empty + taphos tomb). CBC Radio was broadcasting the melancholy National ceremony from Ottawa and the lonely coronet playing the Last Post opened up my heart as it usually does at this time every year and I pondered the whys, wherefores and what nots of war, nations, human enterprise.

I stopped shortly after 11 a.m., as did a few others, and briefly reviewed the monument in the middle of Ross St. Obviously, the local ceremony was not here. I could not think of where it would be. I've since learned that it was at the Arena, a few blocks away. Next year I'll make sure that I show up for the ceremony proper and I'll bring my little girl, maybe even my wife.

Maybe it's because I'm getting older and I've got a family now but I feel more of a need to take a few moments on this day to reflect on the sacrifices made by others that have allowed me to enjoy the carefree life that I have always enjoyed. It makes me more aware of responsibility and the necessity of contributing to a better world.

Lest Ye forget


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